Avery Vise discusses utilization and how it demonstrates robust trucking conditions.
Tags: Economy, trucking, Freight, active utilization, outlook
Tags: trucking, Freight, active utilization, outlook, transportation
Tags: trucking, active utilization, outlook, transportation
Tags: Economy, trucking, active utilization, driver shortage, transportation, state of freight, driver supply, driver demand
Don Ake and Eric Starks were posed with the question, "We know the active portion of the fleet but do we understand the idle portion?"
Tags: trucking, Capacity Utilization, active utilization, idle trucks
From freight demand to system capacity to equipment production, our clients benefit from the industries most reliable forecasts, quantitative market intelligence, key trends, and comprehensive analysis on North American freight transportation. Transportation professionals apply this information to their internal planning, forecasting, and market analysis.
Our clients come from the shipping, trucking, rail, intermodal, equipment, and financial communities.