Todd Tranausky and Don Ake look a little further into the future with regard to the Class 8 market.
Tags: trucking, supply chain, Class 8, commercial vehicle, outlook
Tags: trucking, Class 8, commercial vehicle, trailers, outlook
Tags: trucking, Class 8, commercial vehicle, trailers, outlook, heavy-duty
Tags: trucking, Class 8, commercial vehicle, outlook, production
Tags: trucking, Class 8, commercial vehicle, orders, outlook
Tags: Truck and Trailer, supply chain, Class 8, commercial vehicle
Don Ake was posed with the question, "With the likelihood of resorts, hotels, concerts, sporting events, etc., opening in second half of 2021, does that impact demand, or are the fleets already ordering in preparation for that?"
Tags: Demand, Truck and Trailer, Class 8
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